NEW-Water® is an abbreviation for Naturally Excited Water® which provides more energy, faster recovery and improves performance.

What is NEW-Water®?

NEW-Water® is an energy drink that provides more energy, better oxygen uptake, improved performance, and faster recovery.

It is purified water produced through the latest patent-pending quantum technology and contains no additives.

NEW-Water® absorbs oxygen from the environment more than 100 times faster than regular water and releases oxygen back into the environment over 10 times faster.

A VO2Max test showed that the maximum oxygen intake for athletes can increase by 3-5% in just 3 days.

NEW-Water® is consumed by professional athletes and rented to professional sports clubs. It is also sold in sports centers.

VO2Max Test

In November 2022, we conducted a triple-blind VO2Max experiment with a test and control group over three days.

A third-party company that calculated all statistics found that VO2Max significantly increased by 3.3% for participants who drank NEW-Water®, while participants who drank normal water had a decrease in VO2Max by 1.6%.

Therefore, we can scientifically prove that drinking NEW-Water® improves your physical performance!

Click here to read the entire VO2Max report.

See what one of our customers says?

Faster Oxygen Uptake

We have measured how quickly oxygen leaves NEW-Water® and purified water under vacuum, and how quickly oxygen is absorbed in water when NEW-Water® and purified water are taken out of vacuum again.

We placed NEW-Water® and purified water in a vacuum chamber at about 0.05 bar. Here, we measured for NEW-Water® that every 10% decrease in oxygen saturation took about 30 seconds. And that for purified water, every 10% decrease in oxygen saturation took about 350 seconds. Dissolved oxygen can thus leave NEW-Water about 12 times faster than it leaves purified water.

Next, we let the ambient air back into the vacuum chamber. We measured for NEW-Water® that every 10% increase in oxygen saturation took about 15 seconds. And that for purified water, every 10% increase in oxygen saturation took about 1500 seconds. Oxygen can thus be absorbed by NEW-Water® about 100 times faster than it can be absorbed in purified water.

Quantum Technology

NEW-Water® is produced using quantum technology, which means that NEW-Water® is water that has been brought into resonance with the quantum field. In other words, entanglement with the quantum field has been achieved.

The quantum field is a dimension where there is infinite energy, and our physical atoms and molecules move between the quantum field and the physical world billions of times a second. When our atoms are in the quantum field, we call them virtual particles.

When we talk about quantum technology, we disregard Bohr’s atomic model, which is a simplification of reality, and instead perceive everything physical as electromagnetic waves.

Water can thus be perceived as an electromagnetic wave function with a carrier frequency. We all know that a radio station is broadcast on a certain frequency, which is what we call a carrier frequency. And on this carrier frequency, music or speech can be added, etc.

The same applies to water; the carrier frequency of water can contain energy and information. Through our production process for NEW-Water®, we connect the carrier frequency of water with the quantum field, and the effect is that the quantum field cleans all ‘noise’ away from the carrier frequency of water and adds energy to the carrier frequency of water.

Most of us know that our bodies contain approximately 70% water by weight. But if we count all of the body’s molecules, about 99% are water molecules.

When we drink NEW-Water®, our body receives water that does not contain unnecessary information and has more energy. NEW-Water® continuously delivers this energy to the body, and the body uses this energy to optimize all chemical processes.

On rested muscle cells, there is a layer called EZ – exclusion zone, approximately 0.5 mm thick, water molecules are arranged in an H3O2 structure. This layer contains extra electrons compared to H2O. And these electrons are used to perform muscle work, and thus the EZ layer is completely disappeared on a tired muscle. NEW-Water® helps to build EZ, and it is a contributing factor to more energy and faster recovery.

How to optimize water to become NEW-Water®?

NEW-Water® is a new patented invention that works by water flowing through eight-shaped pipes that move the water in such a way that the water generates energy vortexes, which give energy to the water.

Near the intersection of the pipes, two excited mineral rods emit a subtle electromagnetic field that cleanses the water of all other energy frequencies and enables the water to naturally resonate with the quantum field to continuously conduct energy.

NEW-Water® has a characteristic soft and refreshing taste because the water has a very high energy level, and the special thing about NEW-Water® is that the energy level remains permanently high.

 Our technology also purifies water using reverse osmosis, which is one of the best-known technologies for purifying water.

Are you interested in learning more about NEW-Water®?

NEW-Water® is primarily aimed at athletes, sports clubs, fitness centers, offices, wellness centers and exclusive restaurants.

We have partners in Denmark, Switzerland and the USA.

Call us at +45 26 25 25 25 or email us at to learn more.